Akira Kurosawa is one of the most prolific directors to ever grace the world of cinema. In fact he was named "one of five people who contributed most to the betterment of Asia in the past 100 years". His films were diverse, experimental, enigmatic and highly influential. Classic Westerns like the "Magnificent Seven" and "A Fist Full of Dollars" are undeclared remakes of his films and even George Lucas admits that he when he re-wrote the original Star Wars, he modeled Kurosawa's 1958 film "The Hidden Fortress". Kurosawa was a master at what he did but he also relied on the talents of his casts and crew to carry the films and he often built long lasting working relationships. The scores to his films were no exception and the two albums in this post feature the works of five composer over the span of Kurosawa's last 18 films. KUROSAWA~THE FILM MUSIC OF AKIRA KUROSAWA~, begins with his epic 14th film "Seven Samurai" (although his 13th is in there on track 2) and continues chronologically to 1990's "Dreams" (my personal favorite). Each track is a compilation of memorable pieces from each film and serves as a fantastic musical retrospective. The second soundtrack covers Kurosawa's last 3 films (all composed by Shinichiro Ikebe) and contains the complete soundtrack of "Dreams" and selections from the the others. Highly recommended! Enjoy!

Composed by:
Tracks 1-3 Fumio Hayasaka
Tracks 4-11 Masaru Sato
Tracks 12,15 Toru Takemitsu
Track 13 Isaac Schwartz
Tracks 14, 16 Shinichiro Ikebe
1. 七人の侍
2. 生きる
3. 生きものの記録
4. 蜘蛛巣城
5. どん底
6. 隠し砦の三悪人
7. 悪い奴ほどよく眠る
8. 用心棒
9. 椿三十郎
10. 天国と地獄
11. 赤ひげ
12. どですかでん
13. デルス・ウザーラ
14. 影武者
15. 乱
16. 夢
夢 (1990)
1. タイトル
2. 日照り雨
3. 虹
4. 宴
5. 桃畑
6. 桃の精
7. 雪女
8. 雲間より
9. 鎮魂ラッパ
10. 雨だれ1
11. 雨だれ2
12. 雨だれ3
13. 赤富士1
14. 赤富士2
15. 放射能
16. 廃墟の町
17. 鬼哭
18. 葬列
19. エンディング
八月の狂詩曲 (1991)
20. その心は嘆き(「スターバト・マーテル」より)
21. 野ばら1
22. 野ばら2
23. 悲しみの母は立っていた (「スターバト・マーテル」より)
まあだだよ (1993)
24. ヴィヴァルディ協奏曲集「調和の霊感」より
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