Sadly these are the last two from Lee Sun Hee for the small group of you that have been following these posts. I hope you all have been enjoying these albums! I'd like to apologize for the quality of "Dream of Ruby", the rip has some minor issues but not enough where you can't enjoy the album. I'm not one of the guys that complains when things aren't in overly perfect quality, but to each their own and that's probably while my blog doesn't get as many followers as others. I love music and I am just happy to hear albums that I would have never heard otherwise. Well enough with the complaining, I hope you all enjoy and if anyone happens to own her 13th and 14th albums, I'd really appreciate them! Enjoy! Also a special thank you to Knightmare SM for nearly all of the youtube videos of the songs!

11집 - Dream of Ruby (1998)
1. 내가바라는건
2. 너에게가면
3. 낯선바닷가에서(혼자떠난여행)
4. 후회는이제너의몫입니다
5. 신이다시허락한다면
6. Morning Coffee
7. 나의이별
8. 백우(白雨)
9. 그때쯤엔
10. 공존 (共存)
11. 아름다운 슬픔
12. 그대가 나를 사랑한다면
13. 낯선바닷가에서(Saxophone)
1. 이별 (小曲)
2. 이노래를 빌려서
3. 비창
4. 살아가다보면
5. 아마...
6. 고백
7. My Life
8. 이보다 더 좋을순 없죠
9. Becasue of You
10 .온세상 잠든후부터
11. I Have To Say Goodbye
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