ト・キ・メ・キ (1978)
1. こどもたち
2. カタルンカララン
3. ウオーサオー
5. 大きな石\
6. アンダンテ・カンタービレ
7. やめるわけにゃいかないわ
8. ヨ・ロ・コ・ビ
9. ト・キ・メ・キ
BROOCH (1986)
1. ゆめのよる
2. 小まどから
3. リンゴ
4. はこ
5. From (Piety)
6. Beau Soir (Beautiful Evening)
7. Pastorale (Pastoral)
8. Vorfruhling (Eariest Spring)
9. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat
10. Chanson Francaise (French Song)
11. Chevaux de Bois (Wooden Horses)
12. Die Wetterfahne (The Vane)
13. Il Pleure dans mon Cosur (Tears Fall in my Heart)
14. Voici que le Printemps (Here is Spring)
15. Die Forelle (The Trout)
16. Der Lindenbaum (The Linden-Tree)
17. Standchen (Serenade)
18. La Temps a Laissie son Manteau (Did Time Now his Mantle hath Doffed)
Zach! thank you much for the Yano Akiko uploads.
My friend, thanks once again for all the great material you're uploading.
I just got my first Sakiya Kenjirou CDs yesterday and I'm very happy! It was thanks to your blog that I got to know more of his work.
Keep it up!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am thrilled at the idea of hearing these. It's my dream to hear Akiko's entire discography, or at least all of her earlier work.
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